The Characteristic of Lobha - The three unwholesome roots
1. Lobha-mūla-cittas,
or cittas rooted in attachment (lobha)
2. Dosa-mūla-cittas,
or cittas rooted in aversion (dosa)
3. Moha-mūla-cittas,
or cittas rooted in ignorance (moha)
Moha (ignorance) arises with every akusala citta. Akusala cittas rooted in
lobha (attachment) actually have two roots: moha and lobha. They are
named lobha-mūla-cittas', because there is not only moha, which arises with
every akusala citta, but lobha as well. Lobha-mūla-cittas are thus named
after the root which is lobha. Akusala cittas rooted in dosa (aversion)
have two roots as well: moha and dosa. They are named 'dosa-mūla-cittas'
after the root which is dosa. Akusala cittas rooted in moha (ignorance), have
only one root which is moha. Each of these three classes of akusala cittas
includes again different types of akusala citta and thus we see that there is a
great variety of cittas.