Ahetuka Cittas - A twofold feeling
'The untaught manyfolk, monks,
feels feeling that is pleasant,
feeling that is painful
and feeling that is neutral.
The well-taught Ariyan disciple, monks,
feels the same three feelings. '
Now herein, monks,
what is the distinction,
what is the specific feature,
what is the difference between the well-taught Ariyan disciple
and the untaught manyfolk?'
'For us, lord, things are rooted in the Exalted One....'
'The untaught manyfolk, monks,
being touched by feeling that is painful,
weeps and wails, cries aloud,
knocks the breast, falls into utter bewilderment.
For he feels a twofold feeling, bodily and mental
…Touched by that painful feeling he feels repugnance for it.
Feeling that repugnance for the painful feeling,
the lurking tendency to repugnance fastens on him.
Touched by the painful feeling,
he delights in pleasant feeling.
Why so?The untaught manyfolk, monks,
knows of no refuge from painful feeling save sensual pleasure.
Delighting in that sensual pleasure,
the lurking tendency to sensual pleasure fastens on him....'