Ahetuka Cittas - Feeling conditions craving
'....If he feels feeling that is pleasant,
he feels it as one in bondage.
If he feels feeling that is painful,
he feels it as one in bondage.
If he feels feeling that is neutral,
he feels it as one in bondage.
This untaught manyfolk, monks,
is called 'in bondage to birth, death, sorrow and grief,
woe, lamentation and despair.
He is in bondage to dukkha. So I declare.
But, monks, the well-taught Ariyan disciple,
when touched by painful feeling,
weeps not, wails not, cries not aloud,
knocks not the breast, falls not into utter bewilderment.
He feels but one feeling, the bodily, not the mental...
If he feels a feeling that is pleasant,
he feels it as one freed from bondage.
If he feels a feeling that is painful,
he feels it as one that is freed from bondage.
If he feels a neutral feeling,
he feels it as one that is freed from bondage.
This well-taught Ariyan disciple, monks,
is called 'freed from the bondage of birth, old age,
from sorrow and grief,
from woe, lamentation and despair,
freed from the bondage of dukkha.' So I declare....'