Ahetuka Cittas which are Unknown in Daily Life - Mano-dvaravajjana-citta III

The ahetuka kiriyācitta which is classified as mano-dvārāvajjana-citta can perform two functions: in the mind-door process it performs the function of āvajjana or adverting, it adverts to the object through the mind-door; in the sense-door process this citta performs the function of votthapana or determining the object. The citta which determines the object in the sense-door process can be called, after its function, the votthapana-citta.


When sound impinges on the earsense it can be experienced by cittas arising

in the ear-door process and after that it is experienced by cittas arising in a

mind-door process. Processes of cittas which experience an object through

one of the five senses and through the mind-door succeed one another time

and again.


How can there be akusala cittas or kusala cittas in the process of cittas which

experience an object through one of the sense-doors, when one does not

even know yet what it is that is experienced? There can be akusala cittas or

kusala cittas before one knows what it is. One can compare this situation with

the case of a child who likes a brightly coloured object such as a balloon

before it knows that the object is a balloon. We can have like or dislike of an

object before we know what it is.

Topic 182