Functions of Citta in the Sense-Door Process and in the Mind-Door Process - Mano-dvārāvajjana-citta
The pañca-dvārāvajjana-citta is succeeded by the other cittas of the sense-
door process which experience that same object. When that process is over,
the object is experienced through the mind-door. First there are bhavanga-
cittas and then the mano-dvārāvajjana-citta (mind-door-adverting-
consciousness) performs the function of āvajjana (adverting) through the
Thus there are two kinds of citta which perform the function of adverting (āvajjana-kicca): the pañca-dvārāvajjana-citta adverts to the object through one of the five sense-doors and the mano-dvārāvajjana-citta adverts to the object through the mind-door. The mano-dvārāvajjana-citta is an ahetuka kiriyācitta; it is not accompanied by unwholesome roots (akusala hetus) or by beautiful roots (sobhana hetus). After it has adverted to the object it is followed by kusala cittas or by akusala cittas.