Function of Javana - Cittas which perform the function of javana
javana. Twelve akusala cittas (eight lobha-mūla-cittas, two dosa-mūla-
cittas and two moha-mūla-cittas), eight kāmāvacara kusala cittas, which
are called mahā-kusala cittas, eight mahā-kiriyācittas of the arahat
(kiriyācittas which are not ahetuka, but accompanied by sobhana hetus). The
arahat has mahā-kiriyācittas instead of mahā-kusala cittas since he does not
accumulate any more kamma. Mahā-kiriyācittas are of the sensuous plane of
consciousness; they are not jhānacittas or lokuttara cittas. Arahats also have
kāmāvacara citta; they see, hear or think of objects experienced through
the senses. However, on account of what is experienced no kusala cittas or
akusala cittas arise.
For the arahat there is also an ahetuka kiriyācitta performing the function
of javana, which may arise when he smiles : the hasituppāda-citta
Those who attain rūpa-jhāna (fine material jhāna) can have five types of
rūpāvacara kusala cittas performing the function of javana, since there are
five stages of rūpa-jhāna. Arahats who attain rūpa-jhāna can have five types
of rūpāvacara kiriyācittas which perform the function of javana.
For those who attain arūpa-jhāna (immaterial jhāna) there can be four types
of arūpāvacara kusala cittas performing the function of javana, since
there are four stages of arūpa-jhāna Arahats who attain arūpa-jhāna can have
four types of arūpāvacara kiriyācittas performing the function of javana.
Those who directly experience nibbāna have lokuttara cittas. There are
eight lokuttara cittas, four of which are magga-cittas ('path-consciousness',
'magga' means path) and four of which are lokuttara vipākacittas, called
phala-cittas (‘fruit-consciousness', 'phala' means fruit. Vipākacittas of other
of consciousness cannot perform the function of javana) Thus, all eight
lokuttara cittas perform the function of javana.
Summarising the fifty-five cittas which can perform the function of javana.
8 lobha-mūla-cittas (cittas rooted in attachment) }
2 dosa-mūla-cittas (cittas rooted in aversion) } 12 akusala cittas
2 moha-mūla-citta (citta rooted in ignorance) }
8 mahā-kusala cittas (kāmāvacara kusala cittas)
8 mahā-kiriyācittas
1 hasituppāda-citta (ahetuka kiriyācitta which may arise
when the arahat smiles)
5 rūpāvacara kusala cittas (rūpa-jhānacittas)
5 rūpāvacara kiriyacittas (rūpa-jhānacittas of the arahat)
4 arūpāvacara kusala cittas (arūpa-jhānacittas)
4 arūpāvacara kiriyacittas (arūpa-jhānacittas of the arahat)
4 magga-cittas (lokuttara kusala cittas) }
4 phala-cittas (lokuttara vipākacittas) } 8 lokuttara cittas