Functions of Tadarammana and Cuti - Function of tadārammana

The function of tadārammana can be performed by eleven different kinds of citta : by three ahetuka vipākacittas (unaccompanied by roots or hetus) and by eight sahetuka vipākacittas (accompanied by sobhana hetus).
If the tadārammana-citta is ahetuka, the function of tadārammana is performed by santīrana-citta. As we have seen, santīrana-citta, which is always ahetuka vipāka, can perform more than one function. Santīrana-citta performs the function of santīrana (investigating) when it arises in the sense-door process and succeeds sampaticchana-citta. Apart from the function of, santīrana, santīrana-citta can perform the functions of patisandhi (rebirth), bhavanga, cuti (dying) and, moreover, it can perform the function of tadārammana.
As stated before, there are three kinds of santirana-citta :

1. Santīrana -citta which is akusala vipāka, accompanied by upekkhā (indifferent feeling). 2. Santīrana -citta which is kusala vipāka, accompanied by upekkhā. 3. Santīrana -citta which is kusala vipāka, accompanied by somanassa (pleasant feeling).
Only the first and the second kind of santīrana-citta (santīrana-citta which is akusala vipāka, and santīrana-citta which is kusala vipāka, accompanied by upekkhā) can perform the functions of patisandhi, bhavanga and cuti. The function of santīrana (investigating) can be performed by all three kinds of santīrana-citta. As we have seen, santīrana-citta accompanied by somanassa performs the function of santīrana when the object is extraordinarily pleasant.

Topic 188