Doors and Physical Bases of Citta - Some cittas perform many functions through many doors
Citta should also be classified according to feeling. For example, santīrana-
citta can be accompanied by upekkhā (indifferent feeling) and by
somanassa (pleasant feeling). Santīrana-citta which is accompanied by
somanassa can perform the function of santīrana (investigating)
through five doors and the function of tadārammana (registering,
occurring after the javana-cittas) through six doors.
When santīrana-citta is accompanied by upekkhā (and in that case it can
be kusala vipāka or akusala vipāka), it can perform five functions:
1. The function of santīrana through five doors.
2. The function of tadārammana through six doors.
3. The function of patisandhi, without being dependent on any door
4. The function of bhavanga, without being dependent on any door.
5. The function of cuti, without being dependent on any door.
- The object for which the holy life is lived
- Is there a method?
- The purpose of the Buddha's teachings
- Experience an object through one of the six doors
- Experience an object without any doorway
- Some cittas perform many functions through many doors
- Bases and doors have different function
- Cittas and cetasikas arise on the same base
- What is the purpose of understanding