The Sobhana Cittas in Our Life - Thirty asobhana cittas
8 types of lobha-mūla-citta (cittas rooted in attachment)
2 types of dosa-mūla-citta (cittas rooted in aversion)
2 types of moha-mūla-citta (cittas rooted in ignorance)
As regards ahetuka cittas, they are cittas which are not accompanied by any
hetus (roots). When the citta is ahetuka there are no sobhana cetasikas
arising with the citta and thus ahetuka cittas are asobhana. As we have seen,
there are eighteen types of ahetuka citta. Summarizing them, they are :
10 dvi-pañca-viññānas, which are ahetuka vipākacittas
(the five pairs which are seeing, hearing, etc. )
2 sampaticchana-cittas, which are ahetuka vipākacittas (one
kusala vipaka and one akusala vipāka).
3 santirana-cittas, which are ahetuka vipākacittas (one akusala
vipāka, one kusala vipāka, accompanied by upekkhā, and one kusala vipāka,
accompanied by somanassa).
1 pañca-dvārāvajjana-citta (five-sense-door-adverting-
consciousness) which is ahetuka kiriyācitta.
1 mano-dvārāvajjana-citta (mind-door-adverting-consciousness)
which is ahetuka kiriyācitta.
1 hasituppāda-citta, an ahetuka kiriyācitta which can produce the
smile of the arahat.
Thus, there are thirty asobhana cittas : twelve akusala cittas and eighteen
ahetuka cittas.