The Perfection of Determination - Conduct of Wise Temiya V
The Bodhisatta wanted to become a recluse and sat down on a cloth made of branches. He attained the eight attainments and the five supernatural knowledges (abhinnas). He sat down in a hut with great delight in his recluseship.
The king of Kasi went to see the Bodhisatta and exhorted him to rule over the kingdom. Prince Temiya refused this. He taught Dhamma to the king in many different ways, and this was a condition for the king to have a sense of urgency and to see the impermanence and the disadvantages of sense pleasures. He saw the benefit of detachment from them and wanted to become a recluse, together with queen Candadeví and many of the courtiers. They all at the end of life were reborn in the Brahma world.
The Buddha said at the end of this story that the goddess who was dwelling in the white umbrella at that time was Uppalavanna, that the charioteer was the Elder Sariputta, the parents the royal family, the court the Buddhist followers and the wise Temiya the Buddha himself, the protector of the world.
The perfection of determination of the Bodhisatta which was of the highest degree (paramattha or ultimate) in that life is the “aditthana paramattha parami”.
The perfection of determination is the firm resolve for kusala with the aim to develop panna and to eliminate defilements. However, one may not have accumulated this perfection sufficiently. We may see that kusala is beneficial, that it should be developed and accumulated, and that our determination for kusala should become stronger. But it is difficult to remain steadfast in our resolution, because we have accumulated so much akusala. Akusala is the condition for being unstable, not steadfast in the determination to develop kusala.
Topic 284
16 Dec 2014
- We need firm determination
- Conduct of Wise Temiya I
- Conduct of Wise Temiya II
- Conduct of Wise Temiya III
- Conduct of Wise Temiya IV
- Conduct of Wise Temiya V
- Steadfast in one’s determination
- Four firm foundations
- If he were to hear
- Eight qualifications I
- Eight qualifications II
- Steadfastness in relinquishment
- Steadfastness in calm and panna