The Perfection of Loving-kindness - Loving-kindness perfects the determination

Among the ten perfections, the perfection of metta, loving-kindness, follows upon the perfection of determination. In the Commentary to the “Basket of Conduct” the reason for this is explained:

“(a) because loving-kindness perfects the determination to undertake activity

for the welfare of others;


(b) in order to list the work of actually providing for the welfare of others

right after stating the determination to do so,

for “one determined upon the requisites of enlightenment abides in loving-kindness”;


and (c) because the undertaking (of activity for the welfare of others)

proceeds imperturbably only when determination is unshakable.”

  For someone who is firmly established in the development of kusala with the aim to eradicate defilements and who has accumulated the perfection of determination, it is natural to practise loving-kindness. We can verify for ourselves whether we are firmly established in the development of kusala and whether we develop loving-kindness time and again. When someone is not inclined to anger and when he often practises metta, it shows that he sees the benefit of non-anger and of the development of the perfections leading to the eradication of the defilements.
Someone may believe that life belongs to him, but in reality there are only different dhammas that arise and fall away very rapidly. He should develop more understanding of his life, of his kusala cittas and akusala cittas. When we reflect on the perfections that were mentioned before, such as generosity and morality, we may believe that we have developed them already sufficiently. As to renunciation, nekkhamma, we believe that we are already contented with little, that we have fewness of wishes. As to energy, we think that we are not easily disheartened, that we have diligence and endeavour in our undertakings. We may find that we have sufficient patience and endurance. We believe that we are truthful: we speak the truth and act according to our words. We believe that we have determination, that we are firmly established in our resolutions. However, we should ask ourselves whether we have already sufficiently developed the perfection of metta. We may be forgetful of assisting others with loving-kindness, of developing metta in this way, time and again. We should support others with metta, also when they are strangers, people we do not know. If one has not yet accumulated all the perfections, none excepted, there are not sufficient conditions for the elimination of defilements.

Topic 285