Q & A
63  practice vipassana

Question : How should we practice vipassana?

Answer : The situation is not: that a teacher tells you first what to do, that you “practise’ together, that you do this, then that, at a certain time, in a special place. There is no rule, there is no special technique. In fact, we don’t use the words practising vipassana, but rather: developing understanding of realities little by little, and that, quite naturally, in daily life. We should see the advantage of understanding different realities, different momentary conditions, to realize that there is no "me" who is developing but that wisdom gradually develops. That this development can only happen if the right conditions are present. It can’t occur because of wanting or forcing or pretending to ourselves that “we’ are making progress. However, understanding will, gradually, grow if there are the right conditions. It is anatta, not controllable by any self.

Date 28 Mar 2024
